Yes Aria is 7 Mths old but I will rewind and go over her 6mth month of life.
She ate her first food of carrot and LOVED it! She took a few bites and was totally in love...she since has had peas, blueberry, and beet/blue berry. And loves it
She started eating puffs and teething cookies.
She got her first sickness which was horrible. RSV is no fun! For anyone! Sleep was horrible for a couple of weeks but once she started to feel better she got back to sleeping well.
She started to sit up but not very well. And ROLLING all over the place. And really talking up a storm of gooohhhs and gaaaahhhhs. She loves to talk to her toys and roaring at her mom, dad and brother Jax.
She is growing to quickly and I just love her more and more everyday.
Now her 7th month
She is really enjoying eating, rolling all over the place and getting stuck under the end tables....while getting very upset.
She got to experience her 1st super bowl. She rooted for the Seahawks but the patriots won....but her favorite part was the half time show with Katy Perry. She cuddled with mimi and did a lot of ROARing with Katy. Jax also loved it and danced the whole time. Aria LOVES her brother and its becoming more obvious everyday. She loves to laugh at everything he does and says. They are becoming pretty good pals and it makes my heart so happy.
She is sitting up pretty well and she got up on all 4's in her crib....and I got to see it. It made me so happy and sad all at once. My tiny baby girl is growing up way to fast. She is Sleeping like a rock star. Goes to bed at around 745-8 and doesn't wake up until morning. Once she nurses she usually goes back to sleep unless we have to get ready to go to daycare. She is the best baby. She is happy all of the time unless she hungry or tired.
She has started to teeth which is so far ok. Just waiting for her to wake one morning with a tooth popping out. TIME SLOW DOWN.
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