How is it that in just a few short weeks we will get to finally meet baby Thomas. It has finally set in ( a little bit ) that soon my house and life as I have known it will be 100% different in all the best ways. I will admit that it does make me a little sad that Aria who has been my "baby" for so long will be so big so quickly. Both Jax and Aria are so very excited. Of course Jax is insistent that it is a brother while Aria is insistent it is a sister. I mean they each have a 50/50 shot right?
Pulling out all the baby items and getting the diaper bag ready is in full force. I look at the tiny outfits and socks and just can not believe that Jax an Aria once fit into them. We are all very excited and cant wait to know if we will be getting a sister or brother.